IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC aims to immunise EU citizens against the disinformation and misinformation on selected themes by empowering and equipping them with several methods using eye-catching material and easy-to-use tools.

Recent Events 

Student interaction on disinformation I2I Event workshop Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Student Interaction on Disinformation Workshops
Sep 2023- April 2024

Finland, Belgium

Student interaction on disinformation I2I Event workshop Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Disinformation on Elections: tools to navigate the SM landscape
Feb 2024- April 2024

The Hague/Netherlands

Immunise Against Dis-/Misinformation Workshop Series
Campaign Event at EDUCA Fair
26th and 27th of Jan 2024

Helsinki, Finland

Immunise Against Dis-/Misinformation Workshop Series
Elections, AI and SM - how should we prepare our citizens?
Apr 2024

Helsinki, Finland

Immunising citizens against dis/misinformation

IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC aims to immunise EU citizens against the disinformation and misinformation on selected themes by empowering and equipping them with several methods using eye-catching material and easy-to-use tools. The project consortium formulates and co-produces 3 instruments (vaccines): digital literacy, media literacy, critical thinking; and applies these instruments on 3 selected hot themes (boosters): elections, COVID-19 and migration.

Vulnerable citizens/residents having limited/no knowledge about mis/disinformation activities but using social media extensively, youth generation (18-25 y) and also seniors (65+ y) will be targeted for the injection in different forms of in-situ and online events (workshops, multiplier and youth interaction events, a big campaign and a final conference) with the support of multipliers including media professionals, social media influencers and civil society organisations.
The project consortium will organise in total 20 events in Belgium, the Netherlands and Finland aiming to reach out directly 2.000 citizens in Europe and also indirectly 20.000 people with the help of multipliers, media and social media. Based on the feedback from the audience and changing form of mis/disinformation, the consortium will modify vaccinations and boosters and put them on an e-learning platform for being available after the project duration to extend impact.


Our reach & impact by numbers


Target 20

Series of events


Target 2000

Direct reach


Target 20000+

Indirect reach



+32 (0) 801 13 58
    (Partners Only)

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    MMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Funded by EU