IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC aims to immunise EU citizens against the disinformation and misinformation on selected themes by empowering and equipping them with several methods using eye-catching material and easy-to-use tools.

Recent Events 

Student interaction on disinformation I2I Event workshop Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) Framework Workshop
Jan 2025

Brussels, Belgium

Student interaction on disinformation I2I Event workshop Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Immune 2 Infodemic (I2I) Final Conference 
Dec 2024


Student interaction on disinformation I2I Event workshop Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Addressing Misinformation and Polarisation in Migration and Climate Change
Dec 2024

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Critical Thinking and Other Tools to Navigate the Media Environment & Engage with your Audience
Navigating Mis/Disinformation and Polarisation in Migration Narratives
Nov 2024

Zwolle, The Netherlands

Immunising citizens against dis/misinformation

There is an infodemic spreading among EU citizens, potentially severely impacting their democratic participation and engagement. This infodemic may include disinformation, misinformation, fake news, and other types of interference on different issues related with public life, such as elections, health or migration. A pre-emptive approach needs to be taken to limit the harm caused by the infodemic.  

IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC 2 aims to immunise EU citizens against the disinformation and misinformation by empowering and equipping them with several methods using eye-catching material and easy-to-use tools. In the first edition, the project consortium formulated and co-produced 3 instruments (vaccines): digital literacy, media literacy, critical thinking, and applied these instruments on 3 selected themes (boosters): elections, COVID-19 and migration. In the second edition, three new themes are being added: AI-enabled disinformation, Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference, and environmental and climate change.   

Vulnerable citizens/residents having limited or no knowledge about mis/disinformation activities but using social media extensively, youth (18-25 y) and also seniors (65+ y) will be targeted for the injection in different forms of in-situ and online events (workshops, multiplier and youth interaction events, a campaign, and a final conference) and with the support of multipliers including media professionals, social media influencers and civil society organisations.   

The project consortium will organise in total 16 events in Belgium, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands, aiming to reach out 1800 citizens in Europe directly and over 45.000 indirectly (with the help of multipliers, media and social media). The e-leaning that was created during the past two years will be extended with three new boosters, and feedback will be collected from the users. Based on this feedback and changing form of mis/disinformation, the consortium will modify vaccinations and boosters to keep the content up-to-date, relevant and interesting. 

The consortium will collect data on the attitudes and awareness of the citizens (especially targeting elders and young adults) on mis- and disinformation and analyse the collected data. The results will be presented as a policy brief at the final conference, and possible recommendations will contribute to and strengthen the democratic debate. 

Our reach & impact by numbers


Target 36

Series of events


Target 3800

Direct reach


Target 200000

Indirect reach



+32 (0) 801 13 58
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    MMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Funded by EU